My name is Blaga Iulia. I live in Oradea city of Romania, alone at the moment (my mom is in Italy and so is my brother). I'm 15 years old, getting 16 in march this year. I'm a student in the 1st year of The Art High School from Oradea. I focused my attention on music here since i study opera singing and i started playing the piano. I really enjoy it since i do what i always wanted to do but it's a lot of work and i the schedule is very tiring.
I like music that means something, not just some random words repeated in a totally background beat made for money. I'm talking about classical music, rock, folk... basically anything that makes me feel good and it's a good quality product. I admire artists that preform live on stage instead of doing playback (that's the most abject thing you can do). I admire honesty, sincerity, justice.
This blog is a way 4 me to express myself to a larger audience. Here I'll post everything that goes through my complicated mind. There will be no gossip here, or things you see on the news, or anything about celebrities lives.
Ruels(in fact just one):
Feel free to leave your comments and opinions as long as you respect the others rights and opinions. Remember that I'm not here and you are not here to fight. We all are here to express our ideas, feelings and experiences.
“Men are respectable only as they respect” - Ralph Waldo Emerson